The past few months around here have been nothing short of a headache in the meal department. I mean, I am totally going to be losing my mind any second when it comes to putting something good in Lauren’s mouth… let alone her chewing and swallowing it as opposed to her spitting it out.
Since I have been at a loss, I decided to try something new, something out of me element. I have the “Sneaky Chef” and “Deceptively Delicious” cookbooks, but let’s be honest; I didn’t feel like doing all the prep work, today anyway. So I looked around the internet for some ideas on sneaking something low maintenance into brownies. Who doesn’t love chocolate? I couldn’t find anything involving what I had on had, carrots. Again, I will be honest; I gave up my search quickly. So, I went into the kitchen and just started grating up the carrots, man that is some work! I got out the necessary items for the brownies and I went to work.

I mixed the ingredients according to the package and then I just started throwing in the grated carrots. I would say I used over a cup, I just eyeballed it. In my opinion, you can’t even see the carrots in the sticky mix…

Poured into a greased pan and baked. Since there are carrots in there, you kind of have to keep an eye on the progress; I would say these took about 35 minutes to completely bake. (Just stick the toothpick in the middle to check, duh!) And this is what you get...

At this point, I would usually be done with the brownies because I for some reason am not a frosting on brownies kind of girl, but I decided they needed it! At let me tell you… it made all the difference! See…

You can barely even see the carrots, or taste them! Lauren gobbled them up, of course, they’re chocolate! But the biggest test would be Aaron. I didn’t tell him I was making them so it was a nice surprise when he got home. Me being unable to keep a secret, usually, I managed to do so this time. I didn’t say one word about the hidden secret, and let’s be honest, I didn’t want to give it away that I was up to something. After a few minutes, he tried it, and LIKED it! Jackpot! I then told him what was in them and he said “You can’t even taste it!” Bingo, my whole point!
In the end, the only that really made these brownies different was that they were more “cakey” of a brownie, but not a huge difference. I am sure this won’t be my last time making these in this house! I urge you all to try… and enjoy!
P.S. I'm hiding everything but the healthy stuff in this house...