Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Early Valentine's Day

Aaron . . . What am I going to do with him? He decided to be sneaky this year and surprise me before Valentine's Day. Let me tell you how that went down.

On Monday he asked me if I was going to be home all day on Tuesday (my day off) and my response was "yes, why do you ask?" He then proceeds to tell me that he ordered some more stuff for golf and that it required a signature. I'm no dummy and knew he was sending me something. I didn't ask and I didn't let him know I was on to him, I just let the story unfold. So after waiting all day, nothing arrived, and I went next door to babysit. The smarty I am left a note on the door for the delivery guy telling him my whereabouts so I could intercept the "golf" package. Still nothing. After I called Aaron to inform him that no package arrived, he was home. DAMN it, he was going to get to it before me. This turned out to be a good thing. While I was next door, and the package arrived, he had time to get everything out and set up, all the while still telling me it was golf related. I knew better. I come home to find the cutest vase with a dozen Stargazers in it! It was a really sweet gesture and I appreciate him more for doing it. He knew I would think it was cliche for me to get them on Valentine's Day, so he did it before hand (even though I knew) to really surprise me. It is the thought that counts, and that upped the ante for him.

I will post a picture when they bloom!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool that he did it early. To me, that is much more meaningful than doing it on the actual holiday.
