Monday, February 11, 2008

The Weekend Deep Freeze...

So this weekend wasn't all that amazing, though it did start off with a date on Friday night. Aaron and I got some dinner at the mall before heading to see Fool's Gold. While Aaron wanted to look around the mall before going to the movie, I persuaded him into heading to the movie for fear it was going to be sold out or the theater full (I always have those fears). So we get to the theater, get our tickets and head to what I would assume would be our designated location. WRONG. In the mere 30 seconds it took us to give the ticket to the guy and head down the hall, Aaron managed to spill some coffee on his favorite shirt - I just had to get the coffee with the chocolate didn't I? Now, I just wanted to haul @$$ to the theater and get our seats (my fear of the theater filling up and making us sit in the only available seats, the front row) then Aaron could go and take care of the coffee that is setting in to stain. Before Aaron could head to the bathroom I had to explain a way for him to eliminate the stain and not spread it, this got us both frustrated for I knew what I was talking about and he didn't want to listen. The discussion ended like this: "do with it what you want, but don't blame me if it looks like poopie on your shirt!" In the end, Aaron took my advice and came back with a mere spot of coffee, I win.

Back to the movie, my fear was almost met when we walked into the theater, all of our "good" seats were taken, but we spotted two semi-center so we took them, and as soon as I sat my hinny on the seat, the crowd poured in. I win, again.

Saturday looked like this: sitting-on-the-couch. After two routine calls from a carpet cleaning service, I caved into the free cleaning. "No cost, no catch, we just want to get our name out there - FREE!" Sounds like a good idea right? WRONG! The first time they were supposed to come and clean, they didn't show and never called, no loss. I called the following Monday and expressed my frustration, and set up another time for the cleaning (this past Saturday). I want my FREE CLEANING! Again, they didn't show up and they didn't call. I'm starting to think they just wanted to come in and case my house, but once I mentioned I had to run the dates by my husband, they ran. Case closed, they won't be hearing from me again.

Later that evening, Aaron and I watched Jake for a few hours. After an argument as to if we were going to go to M&L's house or if Jake was going to come to ours, common sense prevailed. Aaron thought it would be better for them to bring him to our house since they were coming out our way, I thought otherwise and suggested we go there. My reasoning was that all of his things would be at his house and he wouldn't be as crazy if we had to entertain him for a few hours. In the end, I was right and Aaron FINALLY saw my logic. It just takes persuasion. After babysitting, we were going to get groceries because Sunday was supposed to be in the single digits with a wind chill in the negatives and that means Kristi goes NO WHERE, but by the end of the night we were just too tired so groceries would have to wait.

We decided if the Eskimos could stand the frigid cold, so could we. Only problem, Kristi almost got blown away in the parking lot and five minutes in the wind would turn even the desert into ice. We braved away anyway, got in and out of the store in less than 45 minutes (record for us) and then suffered frostbite while putting the groceries in the truck. I think I am still trying to thaw out.

As I said, nothing spectacular, but with Winter in the Ohio, that's what you will have.

1 comment:

  1. If only Aaron could remember that you are right as a given, then so many of those arguments could be avoided! They never learn do they?
