Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Which Team?

The countdown has begun! 23 days until we find out which team we are on! YAY! After we find out, we are heading to Babies 'R Us to pick one of the two!


  1. Can't go wrong with either one. Very cute!

  2. You shouldn't shop yet. Leave it for your registry!

  3. AH! I agree with ashyd!!! I didn't even think about that! If you MUST buy something, buy a few outfits!! But, I would leave the more expensive items for the registry!

  4. I agree with both Ashly and Ann on this one... let people buy you that stuff. But I do love both of them :) I can't wait

  5. PEOPLE! I need to buy this item. How else can I start the baby's rom without it. Trust me, I can add other things in place of the bedding outfit. :)

  6. You don't have to become all hormonal on us LOL. You already bought a stroller right?! You will be in debt before baby weener(lmao) comes.

  7. Can you get just the sheets and leave the bumper pad and everything for the registry? I'm assuming you want it to match the colors with other things?

  8. I want the one with the stars for my house. First of all because I love stars....and secondly because I want a boy.

    I think you should have a girl so I can buy the one with the stars. ALTHOUGH....then again...I'm trying to be thrifty and not spend money...so I think I will just use the one I already have...whenever that time comes. :)

    Love you.
