Friday, October 17, 2008

Bring IT On!

I am SO ready to have Lauren here! I want her here so I can: put on my own socks, shoes, pants, underwear, bend over to pick something up, sleep without having to heave myself over, not pee a gajillion times in a 24 hour period of time, basically, just have some resemblance of my old self back. While I know I will never have my old self back per say, I just want to have these little things that we take for granted, back.

The entire time I have been pregnant I have not really "enjoyed" any aspect of it. That being said, I did not have a bad pregnancy at all, it's just that I am so darn impatient that I can't handle the waiting, and that's what I find myself doing... again.

An update from the last post.... I went to the doctor on Wednesday for weekly check-up and yet another ultrasound to check her size. She is just fine... she weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 oz. without her head again, I was dilated to 2 cm. and was about 80% effaced, also, the doctor could feel the top of her head. Now, I what I get to worry about is the amniotic fluid. Apparently it is starting to look low. They are not really worried about it, but they want to keep an eye on it until I give birth. OK not bad, I think. I mean, I would like to give birth before my estimated due date and everyone is high optimistic that it will happen, but it is not! Everyday I get to sit in pain and wait for something to happen, and nothing does. Is it possible to never go into labor? I feel as if I know the answer to this...

Will keep you posted :(

1 comment:

  1. Girl, keep your head up! This agony will soon be over and she'll be here. Maybe she's just waiting to cook a little bit longer and 10/22 sounds like a GREAT day for her birthday. She's a little stubborn kiddo already; on her own time :c)

    Hang in there. She will be here soon.

