Friday, October 10, 2008

October Update!

Well here I am... 38 weeks, 2 days and waiting!

On Monday morning, I started to feel some pains in my belly. I chalked it up the the hot dogs I ate the night before and waited the pains out. Tuesday comes and the pains that feel like gas pains have now started to feel like PMS pains in addition to the gas pains. I decided now was a good time to contact my doctor's office. After about an hour or so, the nurse calls me back and I explain to her my "symptoms." As I am doing this, she is adamant that I must have a UTI. Um, NO! I have had those in the past and this is not a UTI! So she finally decides that I should be seen by the doctor, so I am sent to Labor & Delivery! Insert look of total shock here. So I call Aaron to inform him that when I get home from work, we will be making a trip to the hospital :) As you can bet, he loved that call! So, about 45 minutes later, Aaron and I are on our way to the hospital.

At the hospital, they get me all hooked up to the machines and she has me explain my pain. As I am doing this, I have The Pain. The nurses reaction "yeah, that was a contraction!" At this point, the blood drains from Aaron's face, for the first time. We then sit there for about 2 hours hooked up the the fetal monitors to see what is going on with Lauren.

In the end, I was having contractions 5-6 minutes apart! I was checked and progress had started. They ruled out Braxton Hicks contractions and false labor due to what they discovered. They checked me and found out that I was 1 cm (nothing much) dilated, 40% effaced and that Lauren was at a -1 station. The -1 station means that she was 1 centimeter above the narrowest part of my pelvis. The nurse said that they were going to send me home but they wouldn't be surprised if I were to be back within 12 hours. Blood drained from Aaron's face for the second time :)

Well, the hours passed and nothing happened. It's just a waiting game now.


  1. Hopefully she won't actually disengage from your pelvis like Emma did. In the morning, I was -1and by 5 p.m. that night, she was back up to -2.

    It was indicative of her personality for sure!
