Monday, July 14, 2008

100 Days!

Phew! Milestone! I will finally be in the double digits tomorrow, and to me, that is a lot closer to meeting Lauren. Though, I still think counting weeks makes it seem closer to the end. Think about it, saying I only have 14 weeks left sounds a lot better than 99 days left, but I think it's all because the number is smaller. Anyway, I am excited to reach another milestone and I will have another picture to follow as soon as I look different from my last belly shot! Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. YAY!!! Your getting close to being able to hold your little one in your arms!! Its soooo great! So, have you felt her move, kick anything yet? You havent' said anything about that!! I hope the pregancy is going great girl!!

    Miss ya!

  2. So where are the new pics? I'm waiting........

  3. Oh My Goodness... it's flying by! I know that everyone can't wait to meet her too.
