Monday, August 4, 2008

What's New?

Well here we are, it’s August and I am two and a half months away from meeting Lolo! Let me tell you how I can’t wait to meet her and at the same time it still does not feel real. I mean, through her constant kicking and my visual ultrasounds of her, I still can’t believe that I am pregnant. Everyone has told me that time would “just fly by” and let me tell you, it has not. I mean, in retrospect it has, but actually living it day to day feels like I still have an eternity to wait and waiting has never been one of my strong suits, I guess I will have to learn to be more patient.

The past few weeks have been somewhat busy. The planning has started for my shower (I guess if I look forward to that, baby will soon follow, baby steps right?). Aaron and I made a little trip to see our friends Matt and Heather in Chicago, and let me tell you, this was not the same Chicago trip as ones past. It was a laid back mini-vacation and we had a great time, minus waiting for a cab for about a half an hour and almost having one taken from us by some random girl. I’m telling you, nothing would stop a selfish person from doing that, not even seeing two obviously pregnant women standing in the sun. The audacity of some people!

After we got back from Chi-Town, Bird and Batty came to visit! I was very excited because I thought she wasn’t going to be able to see me pregnant since she lives in the FL. But alas, a mini summer vacation up-north for her turned into a visit for me! We just hung out and went to dinner, the usual CH(K)rist(i)y stuff! But I miss her already and I think I missed her as soon as I couldn’t see her car anymore. L

Then this past Friday, Aaron and I along with Jake and his parents headed up to the Monroe County Fair to enjoy some people watching and greasy food (oh how I missed the!) It took me back to the old days of my shakin’ of the lemonade J Let me tell you, nothing, I mean nothing has changed about the MCF! The only thing I really enjoyed was seeing people I vaguely remembered from high school and seeing what their offspring looked like, and most of the time, it was not good. Jake had a great time! He loved everything about it, the rides, the animals, the tractors, and the food, namely the elephant ear in which we shared. I will have pictures soon!

Other than that quick synopsis, there really hasn’t been much going on other than staying busy with things around the house getting ready for baby, and as you know, housework is never done (when a man is also living in the same house – I swear I just washed all the dishes?!?!)

I will also try and get an updated “baby bump” picture posted soon! Hope all is well!


  1. I missed YOU as soon as I pulled away from the correct house. ;-)

  2. Don't wish her here so soon! She's much easier to take care of in there and you have her all to yourself!

    And I don't think pregnant women are sympathized with much anymore. I only got offered a seat ONCE during my entire pregnancy. One time in Indy, myself (8 months pregnant) and my friend (due in 3 days) stood for 2.5 hours at a restaurant after they lighting of the Christmas tree. Nobody offered us a seat the entire time!

  3. Yay!! An update!! Its about time!
    Its great tp hear you are still up and moving and having a great time while pregnant! The waiting will never go away... it will seem like it's taking forever! in reality, 9 months isn't short!! So it really doesn't go by fast! I know the feeling! Just wait by the 9th month you will say, "Just get her out already!!!!!" You as a parent will have to learn to take "baby steps" but you will do just great!!

    I also think that pregnant woman do not get sympathy like they should!! This world can be rude!!!

  4. I definitely wouldn't give up my seat on the L for you, especially when pregnant. Get tough, lady, that's what I'd say. (HAHAHAHAHAHA!)

    Seriously, though, no one offered me any special treatment and I sort of preferred it that way. People did ask how I was doing all the time, and I'd always think, "I'm pregnant...not dying."
