Friday, June 13, 2008

The BIG Day!

Today is the BIG ultrasound! I thought this day was never going to get here! I can't wait to find out what we are having! I'm still feelin' it girl, but that means it's going to be a boy. Either way, I could care less, but every woman wants her girl and every man wants his boy, so that is where we stand.

I am just so excited to finally know what has been growing inside of me for 21 weeks and 3 days. Only 18 and a half weeks left!


  1. We are waiting on the phone call! Yesterday I thought boy but today I'm thinking girl. So, now I'm confused!! Please someone call us and put the mystery to rest!

  2. I know what she is having but was sworn to secerecy...she will post something later =)

  3. Okay... I want you to come home and change the page so that we can all chat about it!!

  4. I can't believe she hasn't been on here yet? What is she doing, shopping!!

  5. Yes, I have been shopping! LOL! I will post what "it" is later, when I have time! :)
