Monday, June 30, 2008

A Weekend Well Spent :)

Here is the result of my ENTIRE weekend, though I have to say, it was well worth it! I will take better pictures when the lighting is better. Please, tell me what you think!

The Final result!


  1. You. Amaze. Me. I can't believe you 1.) have the patience to undergo such a project and 2.) have the tenacity to see it through over one weekend! No way I could do that! It looks beautiful!!!! You deserve whatever you want now after getting that done. Go do something for YOU! Buy a new outfit, a new book, get a big ole' hunk of chocolate cake...whatever it is you want, indulge! You've more than earned it!

  2. That looks AMAZING!!!! I agree with Ann; beauty :) Lauren is going to LOVE her room... and her fabulous mom.

    Can you come help me with my house?!?!?!?!

  3. The room looks YUMMY like I want to eat neoplotian ice cream. I just hope she doesn't try to ~sneak~ out that door when she gets older, not like we used too LOL.

  4. Looks amazing, 2122. Seriously.

  5. LOVE IT!! its as simple as that... just LOVE IT!

  6. P.S. We are going to install a key only dead bolt with an alarm. For those of you who were wondering ;)

  7. Would you like my DH to install that alarm, well maybe not, look how the ceiling fans are. The remote would set off your toaster LMAO!!
